Quizzes and Twitter and Critical Thinking, oh my!!

February 10, 2013

We had a discussion about Twitter today which got me thinking about using Twitter as a sense of citizenship - as students? as preservice teachers? as members of a 3962 community? forming connections? staying current?

Which lead to thinking about critical thinking:

critical thinking - class discussion about sept 11, disasters, our place in the world, being prepared

When students are taught using a substantive concept of education as the guide to the design of instruction, they learn to initiate, analyze, and evaluate their own thinking and the thinking of others (within all the content areas they study). Doing so, they come to act more reasonably and effectively in every part of life. They are able to do this because they have acquired intellectual tools and intellectual standards essential to sound reasoning and personal and professional judgment. Self-assessment becomes an integral part of their lives. They are able to master content in diverse disciplines. They become proficient readers, writers, speakers, and listeners. They use their learning to raise the quality of their lives and the lives of others. They become reasonable and fairminded persons capable of empathizing with views with which they disagree and disagreeing with views uncritically accepted by those around them. They are able to use their reasoning skills to contribute to their own emotional life and transform their desires and motivations accordingly. They come to think, feel, and act effectively and with integrity.

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